Business Process Management
We are a team of passionate systems professionals who work as a direct extension of your team, solving your process and integrations challenges, to take you from systemic chaos to process bliss.
From Chaos to Ahhh!Do your users lose multiple productive hours each month looking for important records, manually working on processes, handling paper documents, or switching between multiple enterprise systems that should instead be integrated? Ask BPM Integrations for ideas on taming the chaos! |

Increase Efficiency, Compliance, Security, and Audit Capabilities by Automating Your Business Processes:

Accounting & Finance
Paperless Accounts Payable
Invoice routing and approval
Image-enabled enterprise systems

Contract Management
Digital Signatures, even on mobile
Track responses and changes
Multiple reviewers and approvers

HR Management
Automate recruiting and on-boarding
Electronic routing of resumes, benefit packages, vacation & travel requests.

Case Management
Improve response times and expedite decisions
Eliminate paper forms
Integrate digital signatures

Records Management
Automatically apply retention schedules
Archive records
Track disposition dates